Securities Finance Solutions

Unlock the full potential of your portfolio
Generate incremental revenue
with idle assets and offset costs
Optimize portfolio performance
with additional risk-adjusted returns
Flexible lending parameters
with a focus on risk appetite


  • Fixed Income, Equity and Exchange-Traded Funds lending across 34 markets
  • Diversified execution strategies inclusive of overnight, term and event driven lending
  • Automated allocation algorithmic lending
  • Global execution desks for 24/5 inventory optimization
  • Optional shortfall indemnification
  • Comprehensive collateral management and daily margin monitoring
Zero losses to clients since the inception of our lending program 35 years ago

Contact us today

Key features

Disclosed and undisclosed agency models

Custody and third-party lending

Full portfolio and single security lending

Robust risk management and indemnification

Flexible proxy and governance integration

Automated execution and recall management


Delivering greater transparency and smarter data governance

Built with a focus on simplicity and flexibility, our RBC One digital ecosystem provides transparent, on-demand data to support your day-to-day business objectives in a secure environment.


  • Access lendable inventory and on-loan balances
  • Examine over allocated collateral and overcollateralization threshold
  • View revenue decomposition and historical attribution reporting
  • Explore aggregate and individual record-level illustrations
laptop showing RBC One

Future-proofing securities lending

Securities Finance Times caught up with Kyle Kolasingh, Head of Market Services Solutions, following the recent Canadian Securities Lending Association (CASLA) Annual Conference in Toronto.

3 min read

Evolution amid diverse change

A virtual panel of Canadian securities lending specialists, including Kyle Kolasingh, Head of Market Services Solutions, provides their perspectives on a range of industry topics.

4 min read

Mitigating hidden FX risk in global portfolios

Currency hedging strategies provide the opportunity to maintain exposure to global investments while mitigating the uncertainty of foreign exchange rates.

3 min read

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Want to learn more?

Find out how our team of specialists can help to deliver a tailored lending program that meets your risk and return objectives.