Evolution amid diverse change

Canada securities lending panel

Ahead of the 2024 Canadian Securities Lending Association (CASLA) Conference in Toronto on June 6, Securities Finance Times organized a virtual panel of Canadian securities lending specialists, including Kyle Kolasingh, Head of Market Services Solutions. The panel members provided their perspectives on a range of industry topics and here are some highlights of the discussion:

  • The Canadian securities lending market has continued to show positive revenue growth in 2023 and so far in 2024
  • The move to T+1 accelerated the need to automate manual processes and this is expected to lead to improved efficiency
  • Once T+1 is in the review mirror, local focus will shift to the Bank of Canada’s proposed penalties for settlement fails and the SEC's Rule 10c-1a to enhance transparency of the lending market
  • The potential move to T+0 at some point in the future is likely to fuel technological innovation, including digital asset integration, artificial intelligence and distributed ledger technology
  • In the coming year, securities lending trading desks will be "hyper-focused" on the geopolitical landscape and interest rate environment globally

"Time and again, the Canadian securities lending market has proven its ability to evolve amid diverse change—be it market volatility or otherwise."

Kyle Kolasingh
Head of Market Services Solutions

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